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Andy Martin asks readers to help reconcile Barack Obama’s birth date and mother’s college attendance

October 31, 2008

Andy Martin asks his readers for help figuring this one out
Where was Barack Obama born, and where did his mother leave him?

Executive Editor

“Factually Correct, Not
Politically Correct”


Internet powerhouse Andy Martin says the more you study Barack Obama, the more confused and concealed his life appears.

Martin asks his readers to help him connect the dots between Obama’s birth and his mother’s college attendance, both in 1961

Is there a secret Obama, and an “Obama Code,” author Andy Martin asks

(NEW YORK)(October 31, 2008) I have been writing and researching Barack Obama for over four years. In that time, he has become more opaque, more mysterious, more contradictory and more confusing. Almost every day new radical associations or questions arise or are expanded.

And every day hundreds of “Obama” e-mails fly across my desk. Some of them are complete nonsense and are immediately deleted. Others appear plausible but melt under the sunlight of deeper inquiry. Some thoughts in these communications make sense. And some just leave me more confused. Some merit further investigation, and some of these have led to information breakthroughs in deciphering “The Obama Code.”

Today I am going to ask you to help me make sense of something I don’t have time to research extensively in the waning days of the campaign.

How do we connect the dots between Barack Obama’s alleged birth in Hawai’i and his mother’s matriculation at the University of Washington a few weeks later?

This inquiry, as many do, began with an e-mail from someone making a suggestion: Obama’s mother could not have given birth in Hawai’i because she was a college student in Washington at virtually the same time. In fact, the dates do not completely conflict. But they do not connect or make sense either.

Obama was born in Honolulu on August 4, 1961. A month later his mother was apparently a college student in Seattle, Washington.

I checked out the name on the e-mail, and contacted the University of Washington myself. Here is the university’s response:

Subject: Re: Verification of enrollment of Stanley Ann Dunham
Date: 10/30/2008 1:46:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time


These are the records the University of Washington has.

On Thu, 30 Oct 2008 wrote:

> I recently received an e-mail which said it was from your offices:
> —–Original Message—–
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 2:24 PM
> To: bdienst
> Subject: Re: Stanley “Ann” Dunham 1960 to 1970 class registration
> Ms. Stanley Ann Dunham was enrolled at the University of Washington for:
> Autumn 1961
> Winter 1962
> Spring 1962
> The records responsive to your request from the University of Washington are
> above as provided by the Public Disclosure Laws of Washington State. This
> concludes the University’s response to your Public Records request. Please
> feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.
> Madolyne Lawson
> Office of Public Records
> 206-543-9180
> I just wanted to verify whether this was an accurate, true and correct
> e-mail. As a writer and researcher, I try very hard to search for accurate
> information.
> Thanks for your courtesy in responding.
> Andy Martin
> Executive Editor
> Toll-free (866) 706-2639
> Cell (917) 664-9329 (not always turned on)
> Author of:
> Obama: The Man Behind The Mask
> Published: July 2008
> http://StopObamaCoalition.comhttp://CommitteeofOneMilliontoDefeatBarackObama.c
> om

So how do we connect these facts? Did she give birth in Honolulu and then leave her son and head for Seattle? Did she really give birth in Washington? It seems strange that Anne Dunham would give birth and abandon her son four weeks later to attend college. But maybe that’s what happened. She appears to have been a very unstable person.

It is these kinds of doubts and gaps in the factual history of Obama that fuel the endless speculation about his origins.

I am more determined than ever to ask the Honolulu court on November 18th to release the typewritten hard copy of Obama’s “original” Certificate of Live Birth. And I am more suspicious as well. (I have my own theories, but I’ll hold them for the moment.)

I have seen, of course, theories about Obama’s birth ranging from birth in Mombassa, Kenya, to Hawai’i, to Canada, to Washington State. But no one seems to have asked the obvious question: What happened to the boy when Anne matriculated in college? Who cared for him?

Have I missed something, overlooked something, fumbled some fact or piece of critical information? Frankly, the birth in Hawai’i in August and school attendance in Seattle four weeks later do not compute for me. I am left wondering what the facts are.

What is the truth? Did she have the baby and then abandon him four weeks later to attend college. Did grandma hire a nurse? What happened? Is the above e-mail a hoax?

I hate to add to the suspicion, or fuel the paranoia, but I invite all of my readers and anyone else who can furnish verifiable, factual information to join in creating a timeline connecting Barack Obama’s birth and his mother’s registration at college four weeks later. Perhaps there is a simple and straightforward answer. (We are swamped, on the eve of the election, and can’t devote our limited resources to the inquiry.) Who cared for the baby? Where? What records or stories do we have to verify these claims?

If I am confused, and I am a recognized expert on Obama, is it any wonder the general public and ordinary voters are even more confused by this man, who could hold ultimate power in our nation for the next four years?

Barack Obama has not adequately answered these questions about himself. Given that he had a very unstable family life, there is a justifiable concern about his earliest nurturing and overwhelming interest in who provided it. Where was mom?

You tell me.

Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama’s unfitness for the presidency. Buy it.
Book orders: Immediate shipment from or signed copies from the publisher are available.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I recently decided to oppose Barack Obama’s election and became Executive Director of The Stop Obama Coalition, By default, I became the national leader of the anti-Obama movement. I am not acting as either a Democrat or Republican. I have had no contact whatsoever with the McCain Campaign. I am not a member of any political organization. The views expressed are entirely independent. I am acting as an American citizen who sincerely believes Obama is not the man we need in the Oval Office. We are going to run a very dynamic and aggressive campaign against Obama. I will continue to write my news and opinion columns for /s/ Andy Martin
URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama is raising money to fight Barack Obama. Please give generously up to the maximum of $100. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama is directly dependent on the generosity of every American.”
The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama limits itself to $100 maximum contributions; there are no bundlers, fat cats or illegal contributions. Obama is opposed to everything America stands for,” says Executive Director Andy Martin. “But while Obama has raised more than a third of a BILLION dollars, his opponents have raised virtually nothing. We can’t just sit back and expect John McCain to do the job all alone. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will.”
Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He is currently based in New York selling his new book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of © Copyright by Andy Martin 2008. Martin comments on regional, national and world events with over forty years of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law.

His columns are also posted at; Andy is the author of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, published in July 2008, see

MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 or CELL (917) 664-9329
E-MAIL: [NOTE: We frequently correct typographical errors and additions/subtractions on our blogs, where you can find the latest edition of this release.]

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  1. Lil permalink

    While I don’t have an answer to the current question, the email answered the question about why Obama doesn’t want anyone to see his birth certificate. Clearly, Mommy wasn’t married, which was pretty scandalous in those days.

  2. Goldie permalink

    Since you get another birth certificate, according to Hawaii law, when you are adopted is why he’s worried about it being seen. It will prove he’s a citizen of Indonesia! It will say Barry Soetoro and then it all adds up. He and his mother left for Indonesia after his step father and when he arrived in Indonesia with his mother, school and everything was already set up and ready to go. You can do that when you have the legal papers 😉 Since Indonesia was at war at that time and you could only attend school or live there if you were a citizen, Lolo Soetoro must have shown up in his native country with the appropriate papers to make things easy for his new little family who was to follow him there. Could that be why they went seperately? Mama had to wait on the documents?

  3. Goldie permalink

    Since you get another birth certificate, according to Hawaii law, when you are adopted is why he’s worried about it being seen. It will prove he’s a citizen of Indonesia! It will say Barry Soetoro and then it all adds up. He and his mother left for Indonesia after his step father and when he arrived in Indonesia with his mother, school and everything was already set up and ready to go. You can do that when you have the legal papers 😉 Since Indonesia was at war at that time and you could only attend school or live there if you were a citizen, Lolo Soetoro must have shown up in his native country with the appropriate papers to make things easy for his new little family who was to follow him there. Could that be why they went seperately? Mama had to wait on the documents? Are you allowed to see adoption papers?

  4. My wife and I adopted a girl from the State of New Jersey through DYPHS the State Agency who had lived in the streets. We got her when she was 6. Now to legally secure her we had to go before a judge. We had to have an attorney. We had to have proof with a genuine birth certificate when the judge awarded her to us and told us in the court room “MS. L. S.” is now your inheritance”. We had to go through a very elaborate process legally to obtain a her name change to ours and had to have a real birth certificate to obtain adoption, her new social security number and her Medicaid as she was deemed a hard to place child. So if this was all necessary to adopt a child and for me to get my Veteran’s Health Insurance Card, shouldn’t it also be required to become President of the U.S., so that we don’t end up electing an undocumented illegal alien?

  5. jay permalink

    Wake up all you Democrats supporting Obama!!

    Your man’s terrorist collaborator – William Ayers dedicated his book “Prairie Fire” to – guess who??
    Sirhan Sirhan – the assasin who MURDERED Robert F. Kennedy!!!

    For mercy sake – Caroline Kennedy is out there campaigning for a person who’s best friend glorified the murder of her uncle ????????

  6. ComancheShaman permalink

    Andy ,love ya man, I know this is no big deal but BO would have been 8 weeks old not 4 wks I think. Aug 4th to start of Autumn classes at end of Sept. around 24th or 25th. I’m praying for good things on the 18th. God bless

    ps I’ll start diggin into things if I can help now that I’m on Chemo.

  7. Bluto permalink


    The real purpose of this trip, however, may have been different than Stanley Ann Dunham described to her friends. In August, 1961, she enrolled in a University of Washington extension course. Between August, 1961 and March 1962, she enrolled in a total of four extension courses at the University of Washington, earning a total of 20 credits for her work in those courses, no small feat, considering that graduation required 180 credits, and the typical full time student earned 45 credits a year. Neither Box nor Blake has any recollection of Stanley Ann telling them she was enrolling on that same trip in extension courses at the University of Washington. (40)

    It was a curious visit, and a curious academic choice. Why would she enroll in extension courses at the University of Washington when she had found herself intellectually stimulated during her previous year of studies at the University of Hawaii?

    Despite these questions, the recollections of her friend Susan Blake suggest that in late August, 1961 she was wildly enthusiastic about her future life with her Kenyan husband and she was very much in love with him.

    By March, 1962, a mere seven months later, her feelings for her new husband were apparently quite different. Something transpired during this interim period that permanently changed their relationship. Future Congressman Neil Abercrombie had a feeling that the relationship wouldn’t last.

    Although he didn’t say it at the time, Abercrombie privately feared that the relationship would be short-lived. Obama was one of the most ambitious, self-focused men he had ever met. After Obama was accepted to study at Harvard, Stanley Ann disappeared from the University of Hawaii student gatherings, but she did not accompany her husband to Harvard. (41)

    . . . .

    Some time between August 1961 and March 1962, Barack Obama Senior was accepted into Harvard’s Phd. program in economics. Perhaps this acceptance forced him to discuss their future together. Perhaps they concocted a plan that would keep them together as a family, with her move to Seattle and enrollment at the University of Washington in the spring of 1962 was one part of that plan.

    Whatever the nature of the event, it was of sufficient significance to cause Stanley Ann Dunham to leave Barack Obama Senior and move thousands of miles from Honolulu to Seattle. In March, 1962, Stanley Ann Dunham moved from Honolulu to Seattle, Washington, where she enrolled as a full time student at the University of Washington for the spring quarter, which continued until June, 1962, and got her own apartment. She enrolled in classes and earned 10 credit hours that quarter.

    Seattle Times journalist Jonathan Martin reports that some high school classmates recall visiting her and her young son alternately at the Laurelhurst student housing, then at a Capitol Hill apartment during the period that stretched from March 1962 to at least September 1962. (43)

    It appears that Stanley Ann Dunham intended this move to be a permanent one, away from the painful memories of Hawaii, her estranged husband, and her parents. Though she had found the courses she had taken at the University of Hawaii surprisingly stimulating, she had never wanted to go there in the first place.

    The University of Chicago was no longer an option for financial reasons, but as a graduate of a high school in the state of Washington, she could still claim the lower tuition rate of a Washington resident there. It had been her second choice initially, after all, one that was superior to the University of Hawaii in her mind.

    During these months though she was visited by some classmates, she did not actively seek to re-connect with many of her Mercer High School friends, suggesting that perhaps she was not interesting in letting them know the painful details of her personal story. Good friend Maxine Box, whose mother fed her chocolate cake after school while the two girls did their home work, attended the University of Washington during this time, and was not even aware that Dunham was living in Seattle and also attending the University of Washington at this time.

    High school friend John W. Hunt apparently visited her at her Laurelhurst student apartment or her Capitol Hill apartment, as did another class mate, Barbara Cannon Rusk. Rusk recalls visiting Stanley Ann Dunham and her baby son Barack at her apartment on Capitol Hill in Seattle shortly after the end of these spring quarter classes.

    I had moved to Utah for a while after high school, and I came back to Seattle in the summer of 1962. I remember visiting the World’s Fair, and then stopping by Stanley Ann’s apartment on Capitol Hill. It was a small apartment, upstairs. It was after June, and could have been as late as September, 1962. I visited her for half a day or so. It was after the end of the spring quarter classes, and she wasn’t in classes, and didn’t have a job. I recall her being melancholy at the time. I had a sense that something wasn’t right in her marriage. It was all very mysterious. First, her husband wasn’t there, he was already off in Harvard. I didn’t ask her about the relationship, feeling it was a private matter. My daughter Michelle was just a few weeks younger than Stanley’s son, who she called Barry, and they played together on the floor. (44)

    As with Susan Blake and Maxine Box, Barbara Cannon Rusk never saw her friend Stanley Ann Dunham again.

    While Stanley Ann Dunham was living in Seattle, Barack Obama Senior finished his senior year at the University of Hawaii. The Kenyan sponsor who had covered most of Barack Obama Senior’s expenses while he studied at the University of Hawaii, Ella Kirk, wrote to Tom Mboya asking him to fund Obama Senior’s graduate studies, preferably at Harvard, in May of 1962. No mention was made in the request of the need to fund the living expenses for his wife and son. (45)

    He graduated from the University of Hawaii in June of 1962 with a degree in mathematics and economics, an a Phi Beta Kappa key in recognition of his academic excellence.

    In his memoirs, Barack Obama describes a short Honolulu Star-Bulletin article about his father at the time, in which he criticized some of the University?s policies concerning the treatment of foreign exchange students. Obama notes that the article made no mention of either his mother or him. This comment would make sense, as it is likely that Stanley Ann Dunham did not attend her husband?s graduation ceremony, as she was in Seattle.

  8. Bluto permalink

    If I were looking into this situation, I would focus on the period of time after Stanley Ann Dunham left University of Hawaii in December of 1960 up to when her friends confirm that she enrolled as a resident student at the University of Washington in March of 1962.

    Any first hand accounts of Stanley Ann being in Hawaii for any part of this period?

    It seems like the snack bar crowd at the University of Hawaii cannot definitively place Stanley Ann there during this period:
    While the scene in the book includes two friends who were with him when he arrived late for a first date with Ann, few members of the snack bar crowd remember the Obama-Dunham relationship. Hal Abercrombie said he never saw them together. Pake Zane, who left the island for a spell in 1961, could not recall Ann from those days but had precise memories of Obama.
    Neil Abercrombie did remember her appearing at some of the weekend gatherings. Obama was such a strong personality, he said, that he could see how the young woman was awed and overwhelmed by him. “She was a girl, and what I mean by that is she was only 17 and 18, just out of high school. And he brought her at different times. She mostly observed because she was a kid. Everybody there was pretty high-powered grad-student types.”

    Did Obama’s parents really get married in February 1961 on Maui?
    If they were legally married, there would be a record at the courthouse. The marriage index should be public information and should indicate the date of marriage.

    Maybe Stanley Ann just told her parents they got married to make them feel better. I haven’t seen any evidence that they were, in fact, married.

    A divorce trial does not confirm a marriage as simple testimony that the parties were married is sufficient, one does not have to produce a marriage certificate in order to get a divorce. Maybe the 1964 divorce was a ruse to cover for the fact that the marriage never took place.

    We know that Stanley Ann showed up in Seattle at the end of August 1961 with Barack, Jr. and visited her high school friends:

    Apparently, she was staying at a friend of her parents while she visited her friends. She told them she was on her way to Harvard to join her husband; however, Barack Obama Sr. was still back in Hawaii and wouldn’t go to Harvard for another year.

    So, any first hand accounts of where Stanley Ann was prior to showing up in Washington in August of 1961.

    In other words, was she sent away somewhere to have her baby?

    Did she just fly in from Hawaii as she told her friends, or was she staying in the area for some time?

    Was she at her parent’s friend’s house the whole time and had the baby in Washington; or, did she perhaps seek free medical care in nearby Canada? I don’t believe one needed a passport to travel to Canada in the early 1960s.

    Why did she need to go to Washington in August 1961?

    She obviously wasn’t going to Harvard to visit Barack Obama Sr. as he was not there yet.

    She did enroll in the University of Washington; however, if she was really an extension student, was there any need for her physical presence in Washington to sigh up?

    If she was taking extension classes at University of Washington for the fall and winter quarters, did she actually go back to Hawaii, or was she perhaps still staying with her parent’s friends on Mercer Island? Or, was she somewhere else? Any first hand accounts? Why wouldn’t she just go to University of Hawaii if she was back in Hawaii?

    Where did Stanley Ann receive her prenatal care? Who was her doctor? Any attempts to obtain her medical records? Since she is no longer living, are her records available for inspection? Her social security number should be available in the social security death index.

    Was Barak Obama Sr. in Hawaii during the summer of 1961. Did he attend school that summer? The University of Hawaii should be able to verify that information. You might check his attendance for the spring semester of 1961 as well.

    Any evidence that Barack Obama, Sr. and Stanley Ann were together at anytime during the summer of 1961. Did they travel anywhere together? If so, where were they?

    It’s interesting how Barack Obama Sr. left Hawaii in July 1962 and stopped in San Francisco. Stanley Ann’s friends confirm that she was in the Seattle area during this period; however, there is no indication that the two met up with each other when they were both on the West Coast:
    Her husband finished his degree, graduating in June 1962, after three years in Hawaii, as a Phi Beta Kappa straight-A student. Then, before the month was out, he took off, leaving behind his still-teenage wife and namesake child. He did not return for 10 years, and then only briefly. A story in the Star-Bulletin on the day he left, June 22, said Obama planned a several-weeks grand tour of mainland universities before he arrived at Harvard to study economics on a graduate faculty fellowship. The story did not mention that he had a wife and an infant son.
    Many years later, Barack Jr., then in high school, found a clipping of the article in a family stash of birth certificates and old vaccination forms. Why wasn’t his name there, or his mother’s? He wondered, he later wrote, “whether the omission caused a fight between my parents.”
    On his way east, Obama stopped in San Francisco and went to dinner at the Blue Fox in the financial district with Hal Abercrombie, who had moved to the city with his wife, Shirley. Abercrombie would never forget that dinner; he thought it showed the worst side of his old friend, a combination of anger and arrogance that frightened him. Shirley was a blonde with a high bouffant hairdo, and when she showed up at the side of Hal and Barack, the maitre d’ took them to the most obscure table in the restaurant. Obama interpreted this as a racial slight. When the waiter arrived, Obama tore into him, shouting that he was an important person on his way to Harvard and would not tolerate such treatment, Abercrombie recalled. “He was berating the guy and condescending every time the waiter came to our table. There was a superiority and an arrogance about it that I didn’t like.”

    In March, 1962, Stanley Ann Dunham moved from Honolulu to Seattle, Washington, where she enrolled as a full time student at the University of Washington for the spring quarter, which continued until June, 1962, and got her own apartment. She enrolled in classes and earned 10 credit hours that quarter.

    Seattle Times journalist Jonathan Martin reports that some high school classmates recall visiting her and her young son alternately at the Laurelhurst student housing, then at a Capitol Hill apartment during the period that stretched from March 1962 to at least September 1962. (43)

    Maybe Barack’s name wasn’t mentioned in that article because he was miles away with his mother in Seattle.

  9. Bluto permalink

    This video is also interesting:

    Stanley Ann’s high school friend, Susan Blake, talking about a visit with Stanley in August 1961 where Susan had to show Stanley how to change a diaper. Why didn’t Stanley already know how to do that after three weeks?

    Note: this video has already been removed from you tube.

  10. ruth permalink

    I heard Barack s on TV that he was born in 1962 a few days ago…
    Things sure do not make sense unless he is deliberatly misleading

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