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Andy Martin analyzes the Afghanistan military implosion and explains the Biden Administration’s explosion

August 19, 2021


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Dear Granite Stater:

Sunday, August 15, 2021 was one of the worst days in American history. The Afghan government imploded; the collapse in Kabul exploded the myth that Joe Biden is capable of leading the U. S. government. We have a national security crisis on our hands.

America’s political class, led by Zombie President Joe Biden, betrayed the American people, betrayed the Afghan people and massively increased the terror threat to the continental United States. Earlier, Biden said leaving Kabul would not resemble the catastrophe in Saigon in 1975. I agree with Joe! The departure from Kabul is much, much worse; the the long-term consequences will be much more dangerous for our national security than the Saigon debacle.

I have spent a large part of my adult life as an independent national security analyst and operator. You can see a resume of my experience below in “How Andy Became a Terrorism Expert.” I first went to Afghanistan in 1980, in an insanely dangerous mission to gather information about the Afghan resistance against the Soviet invasion. I worked alone, with one Afghan aide. We managed to drive into Herat. How I survived, I’ll never know. Afghanistan and I go back a long way.

Like many, I have questioned Joe Biden’s mental health. Biden’s competence is now front and center:

President Obama’s ambassador to Afghanistan stated openly that “I’m left with some grave questions in my mind about [Biden’s] ability to lead our nation as commander-in-chief,” [Ryan] Crocker said. “To have read this so wrong – or, even worse, to have understood what was likely to happen and not care.” [Please see Link # 1 below]. Crocker said the Afghan fiasco is “already an indelible stain on [Biden’s] presidency.” [Please see link #2 below]

The humiliation we saw in 1975 when Americans were lifted off the roof of the U. S. Embassy in Saigon has been reprised. Biden has sent in 5,000 troops to manage the evacuation; many thousands more than Trump had left behind to manage the withdrawal. While no firefights have broken out as I am writing, if U. S. forces stay long enough to evacuate Afghans who have been loyal to us and who were promised safe passage, conflict is inevitable.

None of this national failure was necessary. But as America has done so often in the postwar period, we have allowed our own bloated rhetoric to undermine sound foreign policy.

More critically, we have allowed the perfect to be the enemy of the good. In claiming no perfect solution is available in Afghanistan, we have destroyed the good efforts that existed. Millions of young girls were in school; now they are out. Tens of millions of people slept safely; now a terror regime has been imposed. When was the last time former President Ghani beheaded someone? Now, a bad pun: “heads will roll” in Kabul. Thanks to Joey Biden.

No, Afghanistan was not perfect, not by a long shot. But it was struggling to survive in a very dangerous neighborhood. Now all of our progress has been erased. In a few weeks, terror networks will reconstitute themselves.

Biden, who claimed he would “not send another generation of Americans to Afghanistan,” has guaranteed that another generation, or two, of Americans will have to return to Afghanistan to clean up the mess he created.

1. The Afghan military did not “collapse;” it was betrayed

The Afghan military and security forces do not have the esprit de corps of the U. S. Marines or NYPD. But Afghan soldiers performed decently. Who designed and created the Afghan military? We did (the U. S. military). We created a conventional military force to fight a “revolutionary war,” one driven by zealotry and not by mercenary interests, the same kind I have been studying since 1965. The Afghans expected air strikes, artillery, mobile support, high-tech resources and expansive surveillance and intelligence to support them. That’s how we trained them. To be an adjunct and to be interoperable with our own military. We created the Afghan forces in our own image. Then we abandoned them.

How long would U. S. forces last without air cover, without armor, without intelligence and without multiple weapons systems? Not long.

Sound familiar?

In fact, this is the second time Democrats have betrayed an allied military in the battlefield. The South Vietnamese military was also created in our image. Then Democrats in congress voted to “defund” South Vietnam forces. The result: a collapse of Saigon. Forty-fix years later we are repeating the same arrogant incompetence which the Democrats first “deployed” against Viet-Nam. Bingo.

Don’t blame the Afghan military. They did as well as can be expected when their de facto overlords, the Democratic Party in congress, started undermining them during the Obama-Biden administration. History repeats itself; so do Democratic Party military fiascos.

2. There was no “intelligence failure”

One of the false narratives being offered by Biden supporters is that the Afghan collapse is an “intelligence failure.” Northing is further from the truth. For years intelligence agencies have predicted that of if we abandoned the Afghan forces, they would collapse. No surprise there. Intelligence agencies all over the world, including communist spy organs, predicted exactly what would happen if Biden withdrew precipitously.

3. Biden’s delusions have exploded his presidency and the Democrats

Biden said last month that he had an [imaginary] “over-the-horizon” capacity to defend Afghanistan. Where was it when the Taliban was laying siege to Afghan cities? Nowhere. Bien’s over-the-horizon force was a delusion. America did not come to the defense of Afghan troops. Biden’s total incompetence, and the total incompetence of his officials, such as the disgraceful and incompetent Secretary of State Blinken, have exploded his presidency.

Out of nowhere, out of the blue in Biden’s mind, the Democratic Party has been bombed into disgrace and destruction by their own demented leader. “Who me?” they say. They want to blame Trump for Biden’s disaster. Trump is not responsible for Biden’s collapse.

4. Does honor mean anything to America?

I have lost track of the number of times both parties have betrayed our allies. The Kurds? Betrayed by Democrats and Republicans, tossed out like used toilet paper when they had served their purpose. Over and over again. Obama said Isis was a “JV team,” and then had to send forces to defeat his imaginary opponent; only ISIS was not imaginary. It took President Trump to clean out the Isis rat’s nest.

What do all of these betrayals mean? America’s political leaders, in both parties, lack any sense of national honor. Ten years ago, members of congress started asking for Special Immigrant Visas” (“SIV”) for Afghans who has worked for the U.S. Ten years later, noting had been done. Biden tried to dump the issue on congress. It was only after Biden pulled the plug on Afghanistan that the administration even started thinking about SIV’s. When Afghan workers and their families, as well as others who worked for US operations such as the media and aid organizations, are totaled up, there are over 100,000 people and their dependents that need to be evacuated. How many will die needlessly, because of American perfidiousness? Many thousands, perhaps tens of thousands.

America needs to address its lack of national honor and its betrayals of the commitments it has made to foreign nationals who support our troops in the field. To a military man or woman, honor means everything, it’s why they serve. When the politicians behave dishonorably, they stain the service and sacrifice of our own military forces.

5. Is twenty years enough, when national security is at stake?

How the media have betrayed Americans

I started out in life as a pollster in college. A poll is only as good as the question asked. If you ask, “Should we bring our troops back home?” almost everyone will say “Yes.” But if you ask, “Should we bring our troops back home if the result is going to be endangering national security and cause the homeland to be jeopardized?” not many people would say yes. The media asked trick questions, and fooled the American people into believing we could withdraw from Afghanistan effortlessly and without any long-term danger to our own nation.

Biden’s people claim they were “surprised” by the Afghan collapse. Funny, no one else was. Everyone who has ever focused on terrorism and intelligence knew what was ahead. The head of British intelligence, MI6, predicted a collapse if Afghanistan was abandoned. [Please see Link 3 below) So what was the Biden plan? Where were the resources? There were none. Afghan troops lacked food and ammunition How can any army fight under such circumstances?

6. The Mollie Hemingway doctrine

Perhaps the most idiotic comment I saw was from Mollie Hemingway, a commentator who said we should have an “In/Out” military policy. Hemingway seems to believe once hostilities cease, U. S. forces should high tail it and abandon the battlefield to our former adversaries.

Biden himself fed into this expedient narrative and said, “We’ve been there too long. The world has shifted.” Says who?

Mollie Hemingway has the answer: her “get in-get out” strategy. Utter nonsense. What would have happened if we withdrew from Europe in 1945? Stalin would have taken over Europe. What if we had left Japan in 1945? The militaristic Japanese military might have revived.

When you pledge to stay, your word is your bond. We have promised to protect Europe. Biden brags about “America being back” in NATO. Joe’s malarkey. Who will believe him after the Afghan catastrophe? The US has promised to protect Taiwan. Do the Taiwanese feel comfortable after “Kabul?” The thugs in China and the gangsters in Russia are salivating at the prospect of an enfeebled America. Biden’s problems are just beginning.

Biden and his crew of crackpot incompetents are endangering our national security. “And that’s no joke,” as Joey himself would say. “For real.”

To be continued.

Best wishes,



[How Andy Martin became a terrorism and counterterrorism expert:

Andy has over fifty years of experience in Asia, Southwest Asia and the Middle East; he is regarded overseas as one of America’s most respected independent foreign policy, military and intelligence analysts. He is known as an “over-the-horizon” expert who synthesizes conditions to prepare predictive opinions.

Andy’s experience fighting terrorism began during the Cold War in 1965 when he went to Washington as an intern on legislative matters and also became an acolyte of Professor Bernard Fall.

Professor Fall believed that Viet-Nam was a “revolutionary” war, a military campaign based on nationalist goals that more properly fit the matrix of political analysis. After Professor Fall was blown up, Andy persevered in studying counterinsurgency (COIN) in Viet-Nam and around the world. Andy founded the Revolutionary War Research Center and in 1974 he began to offer counterterrorism consulting at the World Trade Center in New York, becoming one of the nation’s first counterterror specialists. Andy was in New York on September 11, 2001 and rendered assistance.

Andy first went to the Arab world in 1971 and has traveled to every country in that region. Andy was in Iran and Afghanistan during the hostage crisis in 1979-80.

He lived in Iraq in 2003.

His analysis of the terrorist threat in Iran during 1979-80, and again in Iraq in 2003, were leading-edge predictions of what Americans faced in the future. Andy has lived in or been in Israel, Jordan, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Viet-Nam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom.]

LINKS TO THIS STORY: (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):

Link #1:

Link # 2:

Link # 3:


Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over fifty years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute.

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today he is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTES: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.

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