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New York News Conferences: Andy Martin defends Bill O’Reilly, calls for boycott of Fox News because of O’Reilly’s dismissal

April 19, 2017



“The Internet Powerhouse”

Andy Martin,  J. D.

adjunct professor of law

executive editor

one of America’s most respected

independent authors/investigators


“Factually Correct, Not Politically Correct”


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Announcement of New York, NY news conference today, Wednesday, April 19th


Columnist/broadcaster Andy Martin will hold two news conferences to call for a boycott of Fox News because of the “ugly manner” in which Fox News dismissed Bill O’Reilly


April 19 New York news conference details:




Andy Martin, the independent Internet columnist and blogger who began in broadcasting forty-nine years ago




Andy Martin says viewers should boycott Fox News; Rupert Murdoch’s children are destroying what their father created




Sidewalk in front of Forest Hills, NY Post Office, 10628 Queens Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375 (Andy is also available at 9:00 P.M. at JFK Airport, Terminal 8)




Wednesday, April 19, 2017; 5:30 P.M. (Forest Hills); 9:00 P.M. JFK Terminal 8




Andy Martin comes to the defense of Bill O’Reilly


Andy says Rupert Murdoch may be functionally senile and unable to fend off the liberal deconstructionist policies of his two sons who are dismantling Fox News


(New York, NY) (April 19, 2017) Andy Martin, who began in broadcasting forty-nine years ago and is committed to media diversity as well as conservative principles, says viewers should boycott Fox News because of the “ugly manner” in which Bill O’Reilly was dismissed by the Murdoch Family.


Andy assisted Fox News from Palm Beach, Florida during the early days of the network and once appeared on the O’Reilly Factor.


“Bill O’Reilly has never been formally accused of any misconduct in a court of law, or before any administrative agency. Instead, the Murdoch Family has taken to lynching a man who helped build the Fox News franchise. A pox on the Murdoch Family which is in the process of deconstructing Fox News to serve the liberal attitudes of Murdoch’s sons.


“I watched the competing media Tuesday night and what I saw was a disgrace to American law and American media. The daughter of Gloria Allred, who is one of the most obnoxious media hounds in the legal profession, was attacking Bill O’Reilly without making a legal claim and without filing an administrative claim and without affording Bill O’Reilly any due process whatsoever.


“I condemn the Murdoch Family’s malignant behavior on two grounds.


“First, as a broadcaster with forty-nine years of television experience, I feel the network is engaging in self-destruction. I bear no host/employee any ill will. But the ‘revised lineup’ promulgated by Fox management is a blueprint for audience capitulation. I have no hesitation to call for a boycott of Fox News (see


“Second, the way O’Reilly was treated by the Murdoch Family was despicable. The Murdochs run Fox as though it is their family fiefdom. But there are public shareholders and there are many stakeholders. Yet O’Reilly was assassinated by a cabal of one old man, Rupert, who appears to be functionally senile and his two craven sons that are desperate for social acceptance in liberal New York society and are willing to jettison the proud history of Fox News. What a disgrace.


“When Fox was just beginning I was asked to help out, at least once and maybe more, by a producer that needed a correspondent in West Palm Beach. I was a guest on many occasions on the original Hannity and Colmes show. I was a pioneer in ‘talk television’ as it evolved in the early 1990’s. My roots in television go back to 1968 when the FCC approved my ownership of a TV station.


“A couple of points need to be made. In a career spanning over half a century, I have always fought for the right of women to be treated with equality and respect. The Federal Communications Commission designated me as a party in the great AT&T case that established workplace equality (Docket No. 19801). I have never engaged in and never condoned sexual harassment or aggressive behavior, quite the opposite.


“I do not know what Bill O’Reilly actually did. But I saw clear evidence of the sexual extortion racket Gloria Allred and her daughter Lisa Bloom have been running for years. Why Fox management would allow these hucksters to attack O’Reilly is beyond me.


“If O’Reilly acted inappropriately, he could and should have been disciplined in some manner. He paid large sums of money for whatever reasons prompted him to settle claims. Part of what made O’Reilly O’Reilly was his extreme energy and volatile temperament in his early years. Keith Olbermann used to delight in playing and replaying an old videotape of O’Reilly exploding on set. But no one is perfect and no one should be crucified for isolated misdeeds in a career spanning decades.


“It is easy to advocate for a viewer boycott because Fox News has removed its strongest presence on TV and substituted a weak lineup. I have never found ‘The Five’ watchable, and while I like Tucker Carlson in the abstract he does not have the gravitas to replace O’Reilly. Fox will be hemorrhaging viewers even without my boycott. But as a matter of honor and integrity I call for viewers to engage in an ‘extreme boycott’ because the Murdoch Family has mistreated one of its loyal employees and expressed contempt for its audience and the American people. The Murdochs will pay a heavy price in lost business and viewership for their malicious behavior.”


LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):





Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With forty-nine years of background in radio and television and with five decades of investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, intelligence and military matters. For a full bio, go to:; also see


Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over fifty years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. See also;


He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and


Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.

Andy’s columns are also posted at
[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]




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